Tuesday, January 11, 2011

AGTS - 2011-12

AGS of 2011-12

AGS from Devakottai, Paramakudi and Ramnad


  1. Hello,
    I am Bhavnesh Mehta from RI Dist 3060, I wii be serve as AG in the year 2011 12, our DGE Deepak made our task easy making this state of art web-sight for the year 2011 12 vista http://www.vision1112.org/Content.aspx?ContentId=35
    all the best.

  2. Thank you for following us. Your Valuable suggestions are most welcome.

  3. Rotary District 3212 DG,

    I am a past AG in District 5840 in Texas, USA. We will be sending a GSE team to your area in Dec 2012 - Jan 2013. Our team will look forward to this visit.

    Please send 2012 updates on this blog, the number of District members by club, a map of District 3212, and names of current DG, AGs, principal projects in the District.
    Ross Edgar Bigelow, PhD
    GSE Team Leader candidate for India 2012-13
